It seems to be teens these days have took to cutting themselves to release or hide extreme emotions that we all know teens have...i mean i'm a teen and i know just how thta feels like! Many bands have tried to spread the message that cutting is bad and they plead with their fans to stop. But is cutting really all that bad it isn't troubling society..is it? The only negatives i came yup with was the chance of infection or the person cutting somthing that should neverrr be cut. Another negative is how people who are close to cutters feel like its thier fault most people who are really close to cutters have major guilt over thier loved ones pain. But if they knew all the emotions you were feeling...would they feel that bad? i mean in my eyes the scar is the reflection of the pain inside...but thats just me... i'm not saying cutting is a good way to release all the pain within (and niether is listening to your loud angry music on the highest volume possible) but i do not expect anyone to kno exactly how cutters and friends of cutters feel. so in society cutting is taboo and it is BAD....what do you think?